How This Works
You're using our voucher storefront powered by We provide a selection of dining experience vouchers, cash gift vouchers, and products, that can be purchased for yourself or sent to a friend.
All our vouchers are fully electronic so there's no postal charges and all vouchers are sent instantly after confirmation of your payment. We process all payments securely using the highest levels of encryption. Just follow the step-by-step process to browse and buy. We may also offer carefully selected extras to accompany our vouchers from time to time. So if you're looking for a treat, or a really unique gift, you've come to the right place. Happy shopping!
A beautiful 24oz, Grass-Fed, 28 Day Dry-Aged Porterhouse from Royal Butchers Aubrey Allen cooked to your liking and served to share between two of you. Accompanied by unlimited crisp House Fries and a mouth-watering selection of sauces - Green Peppercorn, Béarnaise or Cafe de Paris Butter - all made daily at the restaurant by our skilled chefs. You are also welcome to order starters and desserts from our main menu on the day which will be added to your bill along with any other drinks or side orders. London Steakhouse Company restaurant is located at 109-117 Middlesex Street, E1 7JF You must pre book your table and disclose your voucher number in advance by reserving online at or by contacting our reservations team on 020 7247 5050. Vouchers are not accepted on the door.
Shipping Details
Need to Know
Additional information
You must pre book your table and disclose your voucher number in advance by reserving online at or by contacting our reservations team on 020 7247 5050. Vouchers are not accepted on the door.
Please let your chosen restaurant know of any dietary requirements or allergies at the time of booking.
Additional drinks and side orders that are not included but can be purchased on the day. A 12.5% service charge will be applied to any additional items purchased on the day.
Guests may opt to exchange the dining experience for a cash value of the Gift Voucher to spend if they dine from the a la carte menu.
Minimum age: 18
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This screen shows you all the vouchers available for sale. If there are more than 6 vouchers, you will be able to page through the available vouchers using the page navigation buttons at the bottom of the window. To place a Voucher in your cart just click the "Buy Now" button. If you would like more details on any voucher click on "More Details". You can place as many Vouchers as you wish in your cart. In the steps that follow you will be able to specify a recipient, send a customised message with your Voucher, and complete the payment process.
DineAndGift is a specialist provider of technology marketing solutions to the restaurant sector. We have more than 10 years experience creating solutions that make restaurant management easier, more fun, and more profitable. We spotted an opportunity to create a web-based platform to allow any restaurant to be able to sell dining experience vouchers, and other products, directly from the restaurant own web site. Rather than paying high commissions to 3rd party sites, we want to allow restaurants to control their own marketing, and own their own customers. With DineAndGift we allow any restaurant to quickly and easily configure a unique, customised voucher storefront, and to be selling vouchers within a matter of hours. To learn more, just visit us at
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London Steakhouse Co
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